Wednesday 3rd March

Phonics Live 11am

If you can’t join in with our live session at 11am then please watch Lesson 38 of the Year 1 Spring Term Lessons.


Volcanoes and storms

Today is the second lesson in the BBC lets move collection with the voice of Mr tumble based on our book ‘The snail and the Whale.’ This week it’s called volcanoes and storms.

If you didn’t join last week then you will need to log in to the BBC site with an email and password. Lots of children told us how much they enjoyed last weeks lesson so we hope you enjoy this one too! Here is the link-

Maths: Comparing Time Live 9.30am

  1. Quicker and Slower

We are going to begin today’s lesson with a paper plane building race. Ask a partner to create a paper plane at the same time as you. Who finished quicker? Who was slower?

Now have a look at the following race. Can you tell who was quickest and slowest?

  1. Earlier and Later

Can you think of words we can use when we have to be somewhere by a certain time. (introduce terms such as early/late, earlier/later). Would we say that the sprinter was earlier to finish the race? Why or why not? When do we use the term ‘quicker’ and what is different about ‘earlier’? 

Now complete page 111 in your Workbook. Then why not have a go at the Maths Challenge below – remember to talk your ideas through with an adult.

Maths Challenge Time