Thursday 4th March

Today is World Book Day. You will have received an email link to the voucher for your child.

Join us in the afternoon session at 1.45 for a scavenger hunt! Please don’t look at it beforehand just print or ask a parent/carer to make the list for you!

Here is a video from the Rescue Readers with lots of ideas of things to do and a pack you can download.

English – live input at 9.30am

Today we would like you to write the next entry into your travel journal  after the snail’s visit to a tropical beach!  Look at these images to get you thinking.

Now watch these two videos to get more inspiration – the first is a bit long so just watch the first few minutes.

Remember to write in sentences using a capital letter and full stop and try and use some adjectives to bring your writing to life.  We will finish the travel journal next week when you are all back in school!


If you can’t join in with our live session at 11 then please watch Lesson 39 of the Year 1 Spring Term Lessons.

Thurs 4th – we will use this game as part of the lesson. You can play it here