Tuesday 1st March

Phonics Live 11am

If you can’t join in with our live session at 11 then please watch Lesson 37 of the Year 1 Spring Term Lessons.


Geography- Where are the world’s oceans?

Today, you will be learning about the 5 oceans on our earth and the location of them in relation to the 7 continents. You will be looking at which continents surround the oceans. We will then compare the difference between an ocean and a sea. 

You could watch these videos to remind you of the continents and oceans and then take part in the lesson below.



English Live 9.30am

I wonder where the snail will go?  Watch this BBC  version of the story and try to remember all the different places she travels.  


Over the next few sessions we are going to be making a travel journal (like a diary) of the places that the snail visits.

Today we would like you to write the first page after the snail’s visit to Antarctica!  Look at this  image to get you thinking and then watch the video clip below.


When you write in your journal you will be pretending you are the snail so you will be using the word I a lot.  Try and use the senses to give you some ideas.  E.g. What could the snail see, what could she hear etc. Try and use an adjective or two as well.  Can you also join two ideas together in a sentence by using and?

Remember to use your neatest writing, leave finger spaces and start your sentences with a capital letter and end with a full stop. 

Home fully you all got your copy of the travel journal leaflet that Miss Goodridge put through your door. You will be starting your journal at home this week but finishing it in school next week. If you need it, a copy of the journal is here.