Our Week 15.10.21

We have nearly finished this first term and the time has flown by! 

We have continued to look at fairy tales in school, spotting the features and talking about these in class. We have continued to focus on Baba Yaga in class and have enjoyed retelling the story to each other. You might like to retell the story together at home or you could watch this short clip with no words.

In maths we have started to look at using a numberline for addition. We have also looked at how we can use basic number bonds to help us with more tricky addition sums, for example, if we know that 5 + 2 = 7 we can use this to work out 50 + 20 = 70.

Well done to everyone who has been practising counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. We have handed out lots of certificates – keep this up!

We have been enjoying our music sessions and singing with Mr Baker, recognising the high and low notes on a xylophone and practising these with our voices too.

In PE this week we have continued to use the apparatus in the hall to practise our climbing, balancing and jumping skills. The children are getting really good at this!

Although it is still only October, we have been thinking about making Christmas cards so they can uploaded onto the website for ordering real greetings cards (a link will be shared with you in the coming weeks) so apologies if any Christmas songs have been sung early!

We’ve enjoyed making these using many art techniques; here’s a sneak peak of the backgrounds we made using water colours for the first layer.

Have a wonderful weekend. We’re back in school on Monday and Tuesday; the children’s half term break starts on Wednesday.