Our Week 08.10.21

It’s been great to see so many of you over the past couple of evenings for parent consultations.

Thank you for your help with learning some of the times tables too; the children worked hard and were delighted to get a certificate. To clarify, the 2, 5 and 10s are a feature throughout Year 2 so they can continue learning these throughout the year and move on to others when they are ready. We’ll check periodically but the children can let me know when they’re ready and can aim to get their certificates throughout the year.

We have had a lovely time in school. Earlier on in the month we looked outside the classroom to think about different types of ‘micro-habitats’. We thought about the conditions and things that creatures need to survive such as food and shelter and enjoyed looking at the diversity of what we found. Last time we were out there were hundreds of crane-fly!

We have started learning about traditional tales this week and have enjoyed sharing some in class. We have enjoyed talking about what makes a traditional tale and spotting the features in the stories that we have shared together. You might like to share the story of Baba Yaga that we have been looking at in class as there are lots of different versions. You can see the story below.

In maths we have continued to look at the different ways numbers are composed and represent this using different ways such as part part whole and dienes. We have also been looking at number sequences such as the ones below. We have looked at whether numbers are going forwards or backwards and by how much so that we can work out the next numbers in the sequence.

We have also been spotting patterns when counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.

We have really enjoyed creating artwork ready for display in school. We have painted sunset backgrounds using watercolours and then sketched structures from around the world ready to stick on the background. Here are some pictures of what we have been doing.

We have really enjoyed our PE time this term. We’ve been outdoors practising our ball-skills with Mr Senior. This week we were improving our basketball skills and teamwork. On Fridays we have been using the apparatus to practise balancing, climbing and jumping skills.

We have enjoyed using different spelling techniques to help us learn ways to spell new words. ‘Noughts and Crosses’ has been a favourite!

We’re continuing to look at the bulb we ‘planted’ at the start of September. It likes being somewhere dark because it would be dark if it was buried under ground. The roots have grown even more since this photo!

Have a wonderful weekend. We can’t wait to see you on Monday!

2 thoughts on “Our Week 08.10.21

  1. Edith’s mum October 14, 2021 at 10:02 pm

    Wow! What a busy time you’re having! Edith loves her certificate for her times tables, thank you! 😊

    • Mr Misun November 4, 2021 at 2:13 pm

      Well done, Edith! A well deserved certificate!

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