Thursday 25th February

English (live at 9.30am)
Look at this image from the first page of the book and read the start of the story.  Have you seen snails before?  Where were they and what did they look like?  Have you heard of sea snails before?  Watch this video and look closely at the snail.
 In the text it says “This is the snail with an itchy foot”  When we say that people have itchy feet it means that they want to travel!  The underside of a snail is called its foot!
Why do you think she wants to travel?  Where do you think she might like to go?  Download the PDF and record your idea in the thought bubble.  If you’d rather not print the sheet then record it in your red book.


If you can’t join in with our live session at 11 then please watch Lesson 34 of the Year 1 Spring Term Lessons. We are learning ‘au’ and ‘oor’ make the ‘or’ sound.

Miss Goodridge will play this game in the warm up. You may want to use it at home to practise your graphemes.


In this lesson, we will be learning about living things and the features of living things. All living things need to be able to breathe, produce waste, grow and change, feed and reproduce. We will then finish the lesson looking in more detail at different types of diets that animals may have. You will need a piece of paper, a pencil and most importantly your brain!