Friday 22nd January


Join us at 9.30am or if you can’t the activity is below.

Today we are going to practice some of the maths we have learnt this week. You will need your red exercise books, a pencil and your collection of small objects.

Read the Activity Time instructions below…

Once you have counted the number of cubes draw your number into your red book and write the number of tens and ones. Have a look at my example below.

Join our class catch up later today and share your work! We can’t wait to see it!


If you can’t join in with our live session at 11 then please watch Lesson 15 of the Year 1 Spring Term lessons where you will consolidate learning from this week.

In class we will be working on tricky words today. The words for this term are below.


This week we are going to look at the work of Dutch artist Mondrian. Have a look at some of his paintings below, which he created about 100 years ago:

Talk about what you see to someone at home. Did you notice there are lots of horizontal and vertical black lines that make a sort of grid? What shapes can you see? Which colours did Mondrian use?

Mondrian created lots of paintings in this style, using mainly red, blue and yellow. We call these the primary colours. (We’ll be learning more about these in our art lesson next week!)

Can you create a piece of art using the straight lines, shapes and colours that Mondrian used? You could use felt tips, paint or collage – or even try using Lego! Here are some ideas to get you started:

If you’d like to send a photo of your artwork to we’d love to see it!

See you at 1.45 for a catch up. Wear a funny hat if you like!