Friday 15th May

Spirals with Matisse 

We’re continuing our spiral art this week by looking at The Snail by Henri Matisse. Find out all about Henri Matisse by watching Art with Mati and Dada. Find out about Mattise and his famous paintings. His artwork below is named The Snail. Can you notice the spiral in it? 

After watching the video think about creating your own piece of art by experimenting with space, shape and colour. Remember what Henri says, “Being excited and forgetting what others think is the only way to create art.”

Make your own spirals using natural materials. You can either make these when you go out for your daily exercise or collect some materials (leaves, twigs, small stones) whilst you’re out to create a spiral once you get back home. You could stick them down with some glue or just arrange them in a spiral shape and take a picture. See how creative you can get! Have a look at some of the pictures below for some inspiration.