Easter Holiday Project

In school we started to embark on our very own dinosaur research projects. Unfortunately we only got to the planning stages of our project. Why not carry on your research at home? You could use the field guide on Dinosaur Train to find out facts about your chosen dinosaur. Try and remember which dinosaur you and your group decided to focus on as part of your research. Use what you find to write your own fact sheet including how big your dinosaur was, what it ate and other interesting information. You could even create your own Top Trumps card or create a page for a non-fiction book based on your dinosaur. It could include labelled pictures and some captions of information. You could use an old shoe box and fill it with fun and interesting facts. Why not cut a piece of string the same size as your dinosaur to put in? You could make some salt dough food to represent what the dinosaur ate. Where in the world did your dinosaur live? Could you add in some sand if it lived in the desert or some leaves if it lived in the forest? Get as creative as you want with the information you find out. Work on this a much or as little as you want over the Easter holiday. 

Dinosaurs -Top Trumps Game | After Alice | Gifts for GirlsDinosaur Factfile | Teaching Resources

Check out this page to read some interesting and fun dinosaur facts The Dinosaur Museum