Monday 18th January

Good morning. For maths today we hope you can join us for the live lesson. It will be at 9.30am. Slightly later than the original emailed plan. If you can’t make it then the lesson and workbook page numbers are explained below. Please also check the previous blog post for this weeks timetable and list of work we would like you to send in. Thank you.


For this week’s art activity we would like you to create a model of a castle or a tower using the cardboard tubes and boxes you have been collecting. Try adding details such as windows, flags, turrets and battlements to make your model authentic! If you’d like to send a photo of your model to we’d love to see them! Here are some ideas to get you started…

Phonics Live at 11am

If you can’t join in with our live session at 11 then please watch Lesson 11 of the Year 1 Spring Term lessons where you will learn how aw can make the or sound. For example in words like claw and straw.

Maths: Counting Numbers to 40 Live at 9.30am 

Lesson Resources:

  • Please have ready 40 small objects. You can use anything… pasta shapes, lego bricks or small pebbles! (please keep ready for the next few lessons).
  • Ten Frames. You can draw these yourselves on some paper or a whiteboard or follow the link below to a printable version.

Tens frames

This week we are beginning to look at larger numbers.

Have a look at the pebble picture below. If possible provide your child with 23 small objects.

Can you find out how many pebbles there are?

Which is the best way to do this?

It can take a long time to count each pebble individually (one to one correspondence), can you think of a better way? 

Let’s use a ten frame to help us. How does the ten frame help us count?

When we count larger numbers it is very helpful to make groups of ten first and then count the ones. Have a go at the practice questions below and then complete pages 1-4 in your Maths No Problem Workbook 2. This is the first time we will be using this book! Good Luck!

Maths Extension Challenge-

For a further challenge have a look at this worksheet. Can you create an addition calculation for each pair or numbers. Remember to count in tens and then on for the ones.