Friday 15th January


Today we would like you to work in your red book for maths and practice some of the addition and subtraction skills you have been learning this week.

Please work out all of these calculations by counting on or counting back. You could use objects, a number line or your fingers to help you. Some are correct some are not. 

You could print them out cut up and stick into the table or you could write them in the correct place in the table.

Draw this table into your book.


Now either cut and stick or write these calculations into the correct place. Don’t forget to check whether you are adding or taking away. Is the answer true or false?

  • Challenge yourself to write some of your own calculations and put them in the correct place on your table.
  • If this is a bit tricky just choose some of the easier calculations for your child to work out.


If you can’t join in with our live session at 11 then please watch Lesson 10 of the Year 1 Spring Term lessons here-


This week we are going to look at a famous collage created by Matisse. 

Can you spot it in this video clip?

This piece of art is huge, but it was inspired by a very small creature… can you guess what it might be?

It is called ‘The Snail’ (or L’escargot in French). Can you spot the snail’s shell?

If you start on the green shape in the middle of the collage then go up to the black rectangle you can trace the spiral that the shapes make – see if you can tell someone at home the order of the colours in the spiral. Matisse knew that putting some colours together can make them look really vibrant – for example putting red next to green or orange next to blue makes each colour ‘pop’ and look even brighter!

Can you make a snail collage with a spiral shell? You might want to try and copy the shapes and colours that Matisse used, or you could create your own unique version. If you don’t have any coloured paper or card you could draw and colour in your shapes before cutting them out. We can’t wait to see your creations!

You might also like to watch this video clip about a snail that goes searching for his portrait!