Monday 1st June

Welcome back. We are so looking forward to seeing many of you return to school. If you are remaining at home then please access all of your learning here. We will be teaching the same content in the classroom. 

This half term we will be immersing you in traditional tales. We will be looking at stories that have been around for many years, stories that your parents, grandparents and other family members will know! Ask your grown ups at home what their favourite story was when they were younger. You’ll notice that a lot of our activities in Literacy, Phonics and even Maths, are based on traditional tales. We hope you’ll love this topic as much as we do.


Start by singing one of our favourite alphabet songs 

Now practise your digraphs…

With our new topic in mind have a go at reading the picture and caption cards below. After you’ve read them can you tell which story they’re from? Don’t forget the words in red are tricky words, don’t sound them out.


We love traditional tales. How many can you think of? Here’s a list to get you started. Have you read or heard any of these before? Maybe you’ve heard some in your class or at home.

Goldilocks and The Three Bears 

Jack and the Beanstalk

The Three Little Pigs

The Three Billy Goats Gruff 

Little Red Riding Hood

Hansel and Gretel 


The Ugly Duckling 

The Gingerbread Man

There are probably a lot more that you know that aren’t included on our list. These are just a few of our favourites. If you have any of these stories at home, start reading them. 

If you don’t then here are a few links to some online stories you can read, watch and listen to. 

The Gingerbread Man. Listen to the story or follow the words to read

Another version of The Gingerbread Man. Read the story with an adult

Goldilocks and The Three Bears 

Jack and The Beanstalk. Listen to this story on BBC Teach. Scroll down for all the episodes. There are some great activities to go alongside the story too

Enjoy listening to the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Listen to Malvyn Hayes read you The Ugly Duckling

Your job for Literacy this week is to read as many different stories as you can ready for next week’s Literacy tasks. Just read, listen and enjoy. You could listen to one of the links above each day. Talk about the stories with your family. Listen to the same story from different sources e.g, Youtube, a book, an online book, a video. Do you notice any differences between the same story? Talk about characters, who is good and who is bad? We will be looking more at characters later on. For now, just enjoy stories and try and read as many from the list above as you can.