Tuesday 12th May


We are moving on from doubling and halving and beginning to look at measurement. Grown-ups this is mostly just a focus on the accurate use of the language of measurement and being able to make comparisons in sizes, weight and capacity of at least 3 different objects. Our focus words will be;

Tall, tallest, taller

Short, shortest, shorter

Long, longest, longer 

Small, smallest, smaller

Wide, widest, wider

Narrow, narrowest, narrower 

Big, biggest, bigger 

Heavy, heaviest, heavier 

Light, lightest, lighter 

Full, fullest, fuller

Empty, emptyist, emptier

Half full 

Let’s begin with this picture. Have a look at the farm animals in the picture and discuss the different sizes for example which animal is the biggest? Which is the smallest? Which animal has the longest ears? Which animal has the shortest tail? Which animal might be the heaviest? Which animal might be the lightest?

Why not have a go at ordering some of your toys at home from tallest to shortest or longest to smallest. On your daily walk see if you can find some leaves or twigs that you can bring home and order. Don’t forget to try your best to use the right words to describe the different sizes of your objects. 

Try this fun Let’s Compare game you can play online! 



We hope you have been having lots of fun with Joe Wicks, Cosmic Kids and some crazy dances!

This week in your PE we would like to explore ‘counterbalance’ and you can do this with a brother or sister or your parents. Counterbalance is using both yours and your partners body weight to create a pose and hold it, it is a good exercise to help you understand different movements and positions your body can achieve. Have a look at the different pictures below and see if you can recreate any of them!