Our Week 07.04.22

It’s the Easter break – where has the time gone?! We will be back on Monday 25th April after what we hope is a happy and healthy break for you all. 

This week we’ve continued thinking about fractions of a shape and adding fractions to make a whole. E.g ¼ + ¾ = 1 whole. Can you think of any other examples? 

We have been enjoying learning about butterfly life cycles in science and literacy too. We’ve read this book and learnt lots of facts about them:

We’ve used this research to start writing our own books about a butterfly’s life cycle. 

In PE we have practised some passing techniques to help us with our basketball skills. 

Today, we have been reflecting on the challenges those are facing in Ukraine. We spent some time thinking about why we were wearing the colours yellow and blue and the significance of these colours and also had a conversation about why people are leaving Ukraine and how the money we have raised from our fundraising day will help those in need.