
Today we are going to be adding by counting on.

You will need a selection of small objects ie. lego bricks or pasta etc. Maths no problem work book 1A and your white board and pen if you want to write down the calculations. 

To start can you create a group of 8 using your objects that look like the 8 buns below. Then you are going to add 3 more. How can we do this? What is the best way to count on? Should we start at 1? Which is the biggest number? Can we hold a number in our head? Add your 3 more by counting on from 8 and adding 3 more to the group.

Now try these by creating a group of objects and then counting on to add the rest. You can also try using a number line or hundred square- 







Don’t forget to start with the biggest number.

Now have a go at page 119-120 in your work book. Worksheet 1- Add by counting on. Remember to start counting from the biggest number and try not to start at 1.

Finally at some point today have a go at this game-

Start with level 2 and challenge yourself with level 4 or 5. Remember to count on from the big number. If you start in relaxed mode you could use your fingers, a number line or objects to count on with.