Wednesday 13th May


Begin your phonics learning by listening to this fun farmyard themed ABC song – 

Twinkl also has some blending and segmenting farm reading to have a go at. Click on what looks like the add symbol to hear the blending of words. Once you have read the hotspot words, have a go at writing some labels for the other animals or farm related objects in the picture, e.g, pig pen, hay, mud, farmer.


On Monday you started to talk about farm animals and listened to the story I Love Animals. 

Have a go at designing and writing your own page for the book.  Look at your tricky words to write ‘I love the’ and then choose which farm animal you love the best. Use your robot arms and basic code sheet to find the sounds that you need. 

Challenge yourself by extending your sentence so that it includes an adjective (what does it look like? How does it feel?) and a verb (what is it doing on the farm?)


I love the fluffy yellow duckling quacking in the pond.


I Love Animals – Eat Play Read
say a sentence from the story and have a go at writing it using your sounds.

Draw a picture to go with your sentence making sure the colours and appearance of the animal matches your adjective!

6 thoughts on “Wednesday 13th May

  1. Vicky Needham May 13, 2020 at 9:18 am

    Good morning Mrs Bracey, we hope you are well! We just wondered if there is a PIN for the Twinkl resource as it won’t allow us to open it. Many thanks 😊

  2. Edith’s mum May 13, 2020 at 10:31 am

    We can’t access this one either, you can access it if you’re signed up for twinkle with the fee but we opted out of paying. We love Twinkl free resources though! 😁

  3. Maëva May 14, 2020 at 10:51 am

    Or they might have changed the code to CVDTWINKLHELPS recently. Try both x

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