Welcome to Skipper 1

We have really enjoyed getting to know all of your children over the last couple of weeks and they are settling back in so well. We are slowly getting to know all of you as well and we appreciate your patience with us!

Dear Skipper Foundation,

Skipper F you’ve finished your first school year

But it’s not a time to shed a tear

It’s time to look back with fondness on all that you’ve done

You’ve learnt lots, had fun and now it’s time to enjoy the sun!

Despite the Lockdown and the Coronavirus scary stuff

We in Skipper F are brave and tough

We’ve not let it stop us doing our best

Be it at home or in school we’ve stood the test.

So all that’s left to say is stay safe, be kind and take care

Have a great break and do it with flair

Keep shining bright like the stars that you are

I know that you will all go far.

I’ll miss you but I’ll still be here

Watching you in Year One with a big cheer

Well done on completing your first year

All our love, Mrs Bracey, Mrs Holt and Mrs Gardiner

Friday 17th July

Tomorrow the summer holidays begin! This year has definitely been one to remember! Let’s spend the day having some fun and celebrating all your hard work for your home learning or school learning. 

Play a game of musical statues! Here are some of our favourite songs to dance to…

Whilst enjoying a delicious treat with your friends or family, look back through some photos from your time in Foundation and talk about what some of your favourite moments have been. 

We can’t wait to welcome you all back in September to finish off our final few days in Foundation before you begin your next learning journey in Year 1. 

Have a well deserved rest and lots of fun over the summer holidays.

Tuesday 14th July

Phonics & Literacy

Linking to our phonics session yesterday, have a go at writing your own minibeast riddle. Take a piece of A4 paper and fold it in half. Write your riddle on the front. Write at least 3 clues and end it with ‘Who am I?’ Inside your folded piece of paper draw a picture of your minibeast to reveal who you were talking about. Give your riddle to a member of your family to read. Can they work out which minibeast your riddle is about? 

Here are some pictures of minibeast to choose from. You can find out more about minibeast on the Woodland Trust website https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/blog/2019/05/minibeast-facts/


Choose from this selection of fun minibeast yoga sessions for your PE this week

The Very Hungry Caterpillar 

Enzo the Bee

Arnold the Ant