
You will be able to join phonics in class at 11am. Just use the link for Google Meet you were sent last week. You’ll need your whiteboard and pen. 

Watch and join in the lesson here if you miss us. Year 1 lesson 7-

For our catch up this afternoon please have your handwriting book ready for some new letters.


One of our favourite traditional tales is Rapunzel.  Do you know the story?  You may have a copy of this story at home that you could read, if not then please do watch the video below. 

 How many of the key features of traditional tales did you notice?  Please record your work on this sheet or write the answers in your red book.  If you do it on the sheet please trim the sheet so that you can stick it neatly into your red book.

Skipper 1 Remote Learning Weekly Timetable

Week beginning January 11th 

Please join these virtual sessions and access the other learning from the blog. Please also do some reading every day.

11 am
Teacher led live stream
1.45 pm
Google Meet with home learners remotely to celebrate work that day and catch up.
To be fitted in around each day’s virtual sessions.  Details will be posted on the blog daily.
Mrs H
Art and Maths
Mrs H
Humanities and Literacy
Mrs H
xScience and Maths
Miss G
PE and Literacy
Miss G
Harmony and Maths


Today we are going to be adding by counting on.

You will need a selection of small objects ie. lego bricks or pasta etc. Maths no problem work book 1A and your white board and pen if you want to write down the calculations. 

To start can you create a group of 8 using your objects that look like the 8 buns below. Then you are going to add 3 more. How can we do this? What is the best way to count on? Should we start at 1? Which is the biggest number? Can we hold a number in our head? Add your 3 more by counting on from 8 and adding 3 more to the group.

Now try these by creating a group of objects and then counting on to add the rest. You can also try using a number line or hundred square- 







Don’t forget to start with the biggest number.

Now have a go at page 119-120 in your work book. Worksheet 1- Add by counting on. Remember to start counting from the biggest number and try not to start at 1.

Finally at some point today have a go at this game-

Start with level 2 and challenge yourself with level 4 or 5. Remember to count on from the big number. If you start in relaxed mode you could use your fingers, a number line or objects to count on with.

Good Morning!


Today you will be able to join phonics in class at 11am! Just use the link for the Google Meet with Mrs Hollingworth that you were sent last week. You’ll need your whiteboard and pen. We can’t wait to see you, all with fingers and toes crossed that it works!

Catch up

At 1.45pm Mrs Hollingworth will be meeting home learners for a catch up. Use the same google meet link, we will have a chat and you can let me know how you got on today. See you then.


Many traditional tales have castles or towers as the setting for the story. For art today we’d like you to draw a picture of a castle. You could follow the step-by-step instructions below or create your own drawing inspired by an illustration from a book or your own imagination! You can choose how you’d like to add colour and detail – pens, pencils, paint, crayons, felt tips or chalk would all work brilliantly!

** Note: you will need some cardboard tubes (kitchen roll tubes are perfect) and boxes for next week’s art activity! (cereal box- size or smaller is fine)

Afternoon catch up

Hello! I am really looking forward to seeing you this afternoon at our catch up session. Your parent/career has been sent a link to join using Google Meet at 1.45pm. Please check you can access this beforehand and be ready a few minutes beforehand.

I am also a little nervous as I’ve not done a children’s meeting before! The aim of this first session will be to show you how to use Google Meet so we can check in every day next week and you will be able to have your phonics lesson on there too. I hope you will say hello.

Have a look at this before you start!

See you later! Miss Goodridge


Last term we learnt how to use part part whole to help with our maths. Please watch the video below to remind yourself – it will really help your grown up understand too! At the very end of the video the teacher asks you to do two tasks – don’t worry about doing those.

This week you have been working on teen numbers. In your red book please draw a part part whole diagram for all of those numbers. We would like you to partition (split) the number into a ten and ones. So the first part will always have 10 in it. You can use the whole page – do draw them on the blank part of the page and over the top of the lined part. I have started doing mine – here is a photo just in case you are not sure what to do.

You need to try and fit all of them on one page please and remember to write your numbers the right way! In teen numbers the 1 always comes first! Please use a pencil to write with not pen. We would like you to work as neatly as you would in school please.

I have started doing mine – here is a photo just in case you are not sure what to do.

Grown ups – some children may need you to draw the part part whole circles for them.