Tuesday 19th Jan

Phonics Live 11am

If you can’t join in with our live session at 11 then please watch Lesson 12 of the Year 1 Spring Term lessons where you will learn how aw can make the or sound. For example in words like claw and straw.


History– Lesson 2

In this lesson, you will continue to learn about some of the ways in which popular music has changed over the last 60 years. You will learn how the ways in which people listen to music have changed over time and will look more closely at MP3 players and smartphones. We will then listen to some songs from singers and groups from the 1990s to 2020s. 



Tomorrow there will be an experiment to try at home.  You will need to get ready  1 or some of the materials from this list. Playdough, hay or straw, twigs or lolly sticks, sugar cubes, plastic bricks and some glue or tape. If you do not have these materials, you can watch the lesson and record your observations of the experiment.

English. Live 9.30am

Last week we started reading Rapunzel by Bethan Woolvin which is a lovely alternative version of the story.  Today we are going to read on.  

If you are unable to join the live session at 9.30 today then please watch this video.  

Then see if you can order the pictures on this sheet (below), number them 1-8 then cut them out and stick them in your red book.  You will need two pages.  Stick the first 4 in the blank space of one page and the second 4 in the blank space of the second page.  Underneath start to write a sentence to go with each picture.   If you don’t have a printer you could draw the pictures instead.

Sequencing sheet

Keep it neat, cut out carefully, stick in neatly and when you write your sentence remember to leave finger spaces and start each sentence with a capital letter and end with a full stop.  Also remember to use a capital letter for Rapunzel as it is a name!

Here is one that I started.  If your child finds writing a bit tricky you could make the sentences simpler than the one in the photo e.g.

  1.  Rapunzel was trapped in the  tower.
  2. The witch brushed her hair.

Monday 18th January

Good morning. For maths today we hope you can join us for the live lesson. It will be at 9.30am. Slightly later than the original emailed plan. If you can’t make it then the lesson and workbook page numbers are explained below. Please also check the previous blog post for this weeks timetable and list of work we would like you to send in. Thank you.


For this week’s art activity we would like you to create a model of a castle or a tower using the cardboard tubes and boxes you have been collecting. Try adding details such as windows, flags, turrets and battlements to make your model authentic! If you’d like to send a photo of your model to year1@damers.dorset.sch.uk we’d love to see them! Here are some ideas to get you started…

Phonics Live at 11am

If you can’t join in with our live session at 11 then please watch Lesson 11 of the Year 1 Spring Term lessons where you will learn how aw can make the or sound. For example in words like claw and straw.


Maths: Counting Numbers to 40 Live at 9.30am 

Lesson Resources:

  • Please have ready 40 small objects. You can use anything… pasta shapes, lego bricks or small pebbles! (please keep ready for the next few lessons).
  • Ten Frames. You can draw these yourselves on some paper or a whiteboard or follow the link below to a printable version.

Tens frames

This week we are beginning to look at larger numbers.

Have a look at the pebble picture below. If possible provide your child with 23 small objects.

Can you find out how many pebbles there are?

Which is the best way to do this?

It can take a long time to count each pebble individually (one to one correspondence), can you think of a better way? 

Let’s use a ten frame to help us. How does the ten frame help us count?

When we count larger numbers it is very helpful to make groups of ten first and then count the ones. Have a go at the practice questions below and then complete pages 1-4 in your Maths No Problem Workbook 2. This is the first time we will be using this book! Good Luck!

Maths Extension Challenge-

For a further challenge have a look at this worksheet. Can you create an addition calculation for each pair or numbers. Remember to count in tens and then on for the ones.

This week Skipper 1. w/b- 18.1.21

Hello. This is the timetable for learning and live sessions this week. We are excited to be adding in maths and English this week. It will be at the new time of 9.30am. We will not be adding in a story session this week. Hope to see you then. There is also a plan for sending in work underneath. Thank you for all of your support and kind messages. We are really enjoying seeing you all and are loving your enthusiasm and concentration!

Teacher led   live input with workbook or job follow up for afterwards.
Teacher led live stream
1.45 pm
SHARING OF LEARNINGKEEPING IN TOUCHGoogle Meet with home learners remotely to celebrate work that day and catch up.

To be fitted in around each day’s virtual sessions.  Details will be posted on the blog daily.
Monday MathsArt
Tuesday EnglishHumanities
Wednesday  MathsxScience
Thursday  EnglishPE
Friday  MathsHarmony


Foundation subjects(History, Science, Art and Harmony)
Please send in a photo of Friday’s maths session which will always be recorded in your red book.
We will look at the work books when they return to school, so no need to photograph.
Please send in a photo of work done on a Tuesday and Thursday.It is always lovely to see photos from the wider curriculum work.  The children back in school also enjoy seeing these.
If you would like to send one in please do, but don’t feel you have to for every session.  

Finally if you need any support with your child’s learning, please send us an email at year1@damers.dorset.sch.uk or if you need a phone call instead then please just let us know by email or the office.

Friday 15th January


Today we would like you to work in your red book for maths and practice some of the addition and subtraction skills you have been learning this week.

Please work out all of these calculations by counting on or counting back. You could use objects, a number line or your fingers to help you. Some are correct some are not. 

You could print them out cut up and stick into the table or you could write them in the correct place in the table.

Draw this table into your book.


Now either cut and stick or write these calculations into the correct place. Don’t forget to check whether you are adding or taking away. Is the answer true or false?

  • Challenge yourself to write some of your own calculations and put them in the correct place on your table.
  • If this is a bit tricky just choose some of the easier calculations for your child to work out.


If you can’t join in with our live session at 11 then please watch Lesson 10 of the Year 1 Spring Term lessons here-



This week we are going to look at a famous collage created by Matisse. 

Can you spot it in this video clip?

This piece of art is huge, but it was inspired by a very small creature… can you guess what it might be?

It is called ‘The Snail’ (or L’escargot in French). Can you spot the snail’s shell?

If you start on the green shape in the middle of the collage then go up to the black rectangle you can trace the spiral that the shapes make – see if you can tell someone at home the order of the colours in the spiral. Matisse knew that putting some colours together can make them look really vibrant – for example putting red next to green or orange next to blue makes each colour ‘pop’ and look even brighter!

Can you make a snail collage with a spiral shell? You might want to try and copy the shapes and colours that Matisse used, or you could create your own unique version. If you don’t have any coloured paper or card you could draw and colour in your shapes before cutting them out. We can’t wait to see your creations!

You might also like to watch this video clip about a snail that goes searching for his portrait!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMKIBoDsWuc

Thursday 13th Jan


Today we are going to look at an alternative version of Rapunzel.  Over the years many authors write new versions of old stories.  They often change the story a bit – maybe changing the characters or where it is set but not enough for you not to recognise that it is still a traditional tale.  

Look at the images below and talk to a grown up about them – using any questions below each image as a prompt for your discussion.

This is the cover of the book.  Look at Rapunzel in the tower.  What does her facial expression and in particular her eyes suggest about what she is thinking and feeling?

Is this how you expected the story to start?  Is it different to the version you heard on Tuesday?

Is there anything on this page that makes you smile?

What do you think Rapunzel is feeling?  How do you know?

What is a curse?  Do you know any other stories that have spells in them?

Follow up task

Can you make your own witches potion?  You may want to encourage the children to go outside and to gather things from your garden to add to a ‘witch’s brew’. The following would work well added to water coloured with food colouring; dropped flowers, twigs, little stones and pebbles, unusual objects.  The following things could be added if you have them in the home already to make a foaming potion! Bicarbonate of soda and vinegar, washing up liquid .

Sounds messy but lots of fun!  If you would prefer a no mess option then talk about what you would put in your witches brew.

Whichever option you go for please draw your ingredients in the blank space on the page in your red book.  Underneath write a list of your ingredients.  If you want an extra challenge then try and add an adjective e.g. shiny stones

Remember to draw/colour and write as neatly as you would in school leaving spaces between your words and forming your letters correctly!  We would also prefer all colouring to be done with coloured pencils rather than felt tips.


If you can’t join in with our live session at 11 then do please watch Lesson 9 of the Year 1 Spring Term lessons where you will learn how aw can make the or sound. For example in words like claw and straw.



Join in with this yoga version of another traditional tale – The Three Billy Goats Gruff!


Building Things

This half term we will be following a series of lessons which investigate materials and their properties.  

Lesson 1

Which materials are waterproof?

 In this lesson, we will be learning about waterproof materials. We will test a variety of household materials and compare how absorbent each of them is.  In case you missed the blog post yesterday you will need to get ready  twigs or a piece of wood, a plastic bag or cup, a glass cup, cardboard or paper, and a pair of socks or piece of fabric.  If you do not have these materials, you can watch the lesson and record your observations of the experiment.  In the lesson it asks you to draw a table in your book or use a worksheet.  It’s up to you which you do but if you decide on the worksheet please down load here. Page 2 is the worksheet and the answers are at the bottom!

Please click here to start the lesson.


I would love to see some photos!  Email year1@damers.dorset.sch.uk


Today we are going to be subtracting by counting back. You will need 20 pencils or felt tips to count with, a number line or 100 square and your maths no problem workbook 1A.

First look at this problem and decide how you think we could work it out?

So could you use your pencils to help you. Is there a way to subtract without counting the whole group? Can you count back? If you have 15 pencils and take away 3 each time you remove one could you count back out loud.

Now try these using your pencils. Remember to count back as you take a pencil away.




Now have a go at pages 128-129 in your work book. Worksheet 4 Subtract by counting back.

Finally at some point today have a go at this game-


Choose- play game, count on and back and numbers 1-20 to start you off. Then you could challenge your self with harder numbers.

Good Morning


You will be able to join phonics in class at 11am. Just use the link for Google Meet you were sent last week. You’ll need your whiteboard and pen.

Watch and join in the lesson here if you miss us. Year 1 lesson 8- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5u1kNa3kAY&list=PLuGr6z2H2KNHYn40Dv4gIRCIoiUg2cA-0&index=1

  *Challenge- Can you write some sentences into your red book using these words.


Teach your Monster to Read

This BAFTA-nominated app helps your child to read.  Children absolutely love using it.  It is free to download form the app store until Sunday 17th of January.  Once downloaded, you can keep it on that device for free even after the free period ends.

Cuppa and Catch up

Don’t forget there is a short session just for parents and carers this morning. This is just for adults and will give you the opportunity to ask any questions, have a catch up and share how it is going. It is not compulsory but it would be lovely to see you if you can join. The google meet invite is different to the one you have been using for the live teaching sessions and can be found on the letter that was in your child’s learning pack.


How have people’s lives changed in living memory?

This half term we will be following a series of lessons that explore the ways in which life has changed over  the last 60 years.  I am sure they will bring back a few memories for all of you parents too.  The lessons are provided by “Oak Academy” and are led by teachers.  

Today I would like you to look at Lesson 1.  In this lesson, we will learn about some of the ways in which popular music has changed over the last 60 years. We will learn how the ways in which people listen to music has changed over time and will look more closely at cassettes and CDs. We will then listen to some songs from singers and groups from the 1960s to 1980s. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil.

Afterwards maybe you could ask your parents and grandparents what popular music they enjoyed listening to when they were younger!



Tomorrow there will be an experiment to try at home.  You will need to get ready, some twigs or a piece of wood, a plastic bag or cup, a glass cup, cardboard or paper, and a pair of socks or piece of fabric.  If you do not have these materials, you can watch the lesson and record your observations of the experiment.