Thursday 28th January

Welcome everyone. I’m hoping I’ll see lots of you today for our live lessons. I’ve even arranged a special guest for literacy at 9.30. I hope he behaves himself!


Last week we looked at the villain in Rapunzel, that was the witch and you created a wanted poster for her. This week in Little Red Riding Hood our baddy is the wolf. 

We would like you to design a step by step set of instructions on how to catch a wolf! Think about what you might need to help you. Some rope or a cage, a net or some bait to lure him in. Talk through your idea for catching him, read through these examples and then draw and write your instructions. Either use the sheet below or create your own. We are using the time words- First, next, then, after that and finally. Please email us a photo we would love to see your designs and instructions.


If you can’t join in with our live session at 11 then please watch Lesson 19 of the Year 1 Spring Term Lessons. We are learning ph can make the /f/ sound as in phone.


Is the wall I’ve built waterproof?

Today you will be using the walls that you built last week and 

conducting an experiment to investigate which materials are most appropriate to build a wall, and comparing their condition after being exposed to water.

Like before you can either draw the table that is shown in the lesson or print out this sheet.

Please click on the link below to start the lesson


Hello. I forgot to remind you but don’t forget Mrs Smiths live assembly is at 2.20pm today. The link was emailed out to you.

Have a great rest of your week.

Mrs Hollingworth

Wednesday 27th January

Phonics Live 11am

If you can’t join in with our live session at 11am then please watch Lesson 18 of the Year 1 Spring Term Lessons.


Can you make your own traditional tale keep fit session?  

Design it and then spend a minute doing each bit.  You could ask your grown up to try it out too!  

Here is an example but I’m sure you’ll have lots of ideas! You don’t have to write it out,  you can just draw quick pictures on a piece of paper or your whiteboard to remind you what to do.

Goats trip trapping over the bridgeStamping on the spot
The witch climbing up Rapunzel’s hairReaching up in the air and pretending to pull on her hair
Goldilocks stirring the porridgeBig circular motions with your arms
The frog waiting to be kissedBig froggy jumps
The gingerbread man running awayRunning on the spot
Jack chopping down the beanstalkChopping action from side to side

Maths– Comparing numbers Live 9.30am

Today we are going to be learning how to compare larger numbers. Look carefully at the picture below.

Compare the two numbers. Which number is bigger? How do you know? ‘Let’s Learn’ below will help explain.

Next we’re going to compare three numbers.    37, 22 and 29

TOP TIP! First compare the tens in all three numbers.  Second compare the ones where the tens are the same.

Now place these numbers in order from smallest to largest and vice versa.

Finally, have a go at the guided practice questions below and then complete pages 11 – 14 in your Maths No Problem book.

Maths Challenge Time!

These place-value challenges are designed for those children who are able to complete their workbook job independently. You do not need to record your answers, just have a discussion.  The question ‘How do you know that?’  is a brilliant starting place.



For those of you at home today without your maths workbook. Below are your pages for today. Please talk through the questions count, create the numbers with objects and work out the answers.

Tuesday 26th January

Phonics Live 11am

If you can’t join in with our live session at 11am then please watch Lesson 17 of the Year 1 Spring Term Lessons.


In this lesson, we will be learning about some of the ways in which toys have changed over time. We will be learning about the differences between wooden, plastic and electronic toys and will also look at some examples of each. Please click on the link below to access the lesson.

Once you’ve finished the lesson you could ask your parents or grandparents about the toys they used to play with when they were little!

English Live 9.30am

This week we are reading another traditional tale by Bethan Woolvin it is an alternative version of Little Red Riding Hood.  If you are unable to join the live session at 9.30 today then please watch this video…. 

Next see if you can order this story as last week. Cut up the sequencing sheet below then order the pictures. Please number them 1-8 and stick them into your red book.  You will need two pages.  Stick the first 4 in the blank space of one page and the second 4 in the blank space of the second page.  Underneath start to write a sentence to go with each picture.   If you don’t have a printer you could draw the pictures instead. Please don’t worry if your child can only manage a few sentences, a few good quality independent sentences are better than lots of perfect ones where they needed loads of prompting and support. 

Keep it neat, cut out carefully, stick in neatly and when you write your sentence remember to leave finger spaces and start each sentence with a capital letter and end with a full stop.  

Here is one that I started.  If your child finds writing a bit tricky you could make the sentences simpler than the one in the photo e.g.

  1.  Little red riding hood set off through the woods to Grandma’s house.
  2. She met a wolf.

Monday 25th January

Good morning! Just to let you know, for those of you learning at home we have swapped our PE and Science afternoon sessions around.  For those of you coming into school please continue to wear your PE kit on a Monday and Thursday.

We are no longer running the cuppa and a catch up session for parents on a Tuesday.  As always if you have any questions or wish to discuss things with your child’s teacher then continue to use email, we are always happy to get back in touch with you.  Below is the timetable for this week.

Phonics Live 11am

If you can’t join in with our live session at 11 then please watch Lesson 16 of the Year 1 Spring Term Lessons.


This week in our art and harmony sessions we will be exploring colour-mixing. 

This afternoon is all about exploring what happens when you mix colours.

Try starting with the Primary colours – red, blue and yellow – and choose 2 to mix. What do you notice? 

Now try mixing a different combination of 2 colours.

What happens if you mix all 3 primary colours together?

You can use paint, pastels (oil or chalk) crayons, pencil crayons or even playdough to explore your colour-mixing. In school we might try making ice cubes with food colouring and dropping different coloured cubes into cups of water to see what happens…

Here are some ideas to get you started – have fun and do let us know what you discover as you mix!

If you don’t have any of these resources at home you could try this interactive colour-mixing colouring activity by clicking on the link:

Maths– Counting in Tens and Ones Live at 9.30am

Look at the picture below.

Talk together about what the digits represent. 

The 3 shows us that there are 3 tens.

The 2 shows us that there are 2 ones.


Look at the numbers below. Draw the tens and ones that match the number on your whiteboard.

It should look like this…

Finally, have a go at the guided practice questions and then complete pages 7 – 10 in your Maths No Problem book.

 Maths Challenge Time

There are 30 chocolates. The chocolates come in boxes of 10.

Investigate different ways that the chocolates can be grouped. 

Can you use your skip counting to help?

Draw your working out into your red book. It might help to draw the boxes.

Please send a photo of your work to

Friday 22nd January


Join us at 9.30am or if you can’t the activity is below.

Today we are going to practice some of the maths we have learnt this week. You will need your red exercise books, a pencil and your collection of small objects.

Read the Activity Time instructions below…

Once you have counted the number of cubes draw your number into your red book and write the number of tens and ones. Have a look at my example below.

Join our class catch up later today and share your work! We can’t wait to see it!


If you can’t join in with our live session at 11 then please watch Lesson 15 of the Year 1 Spring Term lessons where you will consolidate learning from this week.

In class we will be working on tricky words today. The words for this term are below.


This week we are going to look at the work of Dutch artist Mondrian. Have a look at some of his paintings below, which he created about 100 years ago:

Talk about what you see to someone at home. Did you notice there are lots of horizontal and vertical black lines that make a sort of grid? What shapes can you see? Which colours did Mondrian use?

Mondrian created lots of paintings in this style, using mainly red, blue and yellow. We call these the primary colours. (We’ll be learning more about these in our art lesson next week!)

Can you create a piece of art using the straight lines, shapes and colours that Mondrian used? You could use felt tips, paint or collage – or even try using Lego! Here are some ideas to get you started:

If you’d like to send a photo of your artwork to we’d love to see it!

See you at 1.45 for a catch up. Wear a funny hat if you like!

Thursday 21st January


Please join us at 9.30 for the live lesson.  If you are unable to join us see what to do below.

As you know most traditional tales have a baddy in them!  Below are some examples of a wanted poster for the wolf.

On the last page of the Rapunzal story, if you look carefully you might spot some wanted posters!

Today we would like you to make a wanted poster for the witch in Rapunzel!  You can either print out the template below or make your own one in your red book.  Remember to keep your work neat please and colour in with pencil.  Here are some examples of posters made for a fairy tale wolf.


If you can’t join in with our live session at 11 then please watch Lesson 14 of the Year 1 Spring Term lessons where you will learn how g can make the j sound. For example in words like giant.

Have a go at this backyard PE lesson based on fairytales. Try some of the exercises. Maybe you could even think up some of your own. Do you recognise which story each of the moves have come from?

Wednesday 20th January

Phonics Live 9.30am

If you can’t join in with our live session at 11 then please watch Lesson 13 of the Year 1 Spring Term lessons where you will learn how aw can make the or sound. For example in words like claw and straw.

Maths– Writing numbers to 40 Live 11am

If you cant take part in the live lesson, this is the lesson below.

Ask your child to explore how many ways they can count the number of dots on the cards in the In Focus task (it would be helpful to draw the pattern of dots on a piece of paper). Prompt them by circling groups of dots, asking if it might be helpful to do this.

Once you have counted the dots, ask them if they know how to write the number 22. You can use arrow cards to help demonstrate this. 

As you work your way through the numbers below encourage pupils to count in twos, fives and tens.

Now have a go at the practice questions below and then complete pages 5 & 6 in your workbook!


Building Things -Lesson 2

Which material could I use to build a wall?

In this lesson, they will be discussing different materials and their properties. You will be analysing different objects and identifying the material’s properties. You will be building and creating mini walls and using them in an experiment in the next lesson, ‘Is the Wall I’ve Built Waterproof?’. If you would like to take part in this lesson you can choose to build all or 1 wall. You will need either playdough, hay or straw, twigs or lolly sticks, sugar cubes, plastic bricks, some glue or some sticky tape. If you do not have these things, don’t worry because they will be conducting the experiment for you to see.

Here is the lesson. You could try the experiment yourself with any of the suggested materials that you have at home.

Next draw this table or print and stick into your book. Then have a go at finding some different items from around the house made from different materials. Then write or draw them into the correct column in your table.