Monday 8th February

For the maths today if possible please provide your child with some coins. 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1.

Phonics Live 11am

If you can’t join in with our live session at 11am then please watch Lesson 26 of the Year 1 Spring Term Lessons.


This week we will be looking closely at how Bethan Woollvin created the trees, plants and woodland settings in her simple, beautiful illustrations.

Look at the shapes and lines of each different tree and bush. How has Bethan added detail to show the branches, leaves or bark? Did you notice that her illustrations are mostly in monochrome – black, white and shades of grey – with pops of bright colour here and there?

Now create your own forest of trees and plants in this style! You could use pencils, felt tips, paint or chalk.

You might like to listen to this story also by Bethan Woollvin. Does it inspire you to draw anything else?

MATHS – Money– Recognising Coins Live 9.30am

What do you know about coins?

If possible provide your child with some coins and allow them to discuss what they know about these coins. Ask them questions about how many coins are big and how many are small, how many are heavy, how many are silver and so on. Ask them if they can group the coins. How can they group them? Prompt them to look at the faces with numbers and name them by their markings (1, 2, 5 and so on). Guide them to use the terms pence and pound.

Now have a go at the activity time below. Take turns being the teacher!

Now have a go at the guided practice and then complete pages 119 -121  in your work book.  There is also a fun game you can have a go at here…

Maths Challenge Time:

Friday 5th February

Mastering The Maths

Have a go at the challenge below…

It might help to print out the stars or write the numbers on small pieces of paper, that way you can try out different ways of solving the problem. Stick your bits of paper into your journal to record the pattern. 

Your book should look like this. (I have used different numbers in my example)

Maths Challenge (Optional task)

Write your number patterns into your red book.

Phonics live at 11am

If you can’t join in with our live session at 11 then please watch Lesson 25 of the Year 1 Spring Term Lessons.

In our school lesson we will use this game to practise unscrambling tricky words. You can play it here

Music – BBC Ten Pieces

Get moving and create a cool table top dance sequence to music!

The first clip explains how composer Gabriel Prokofiev created his unique ‘Concerto for Turntables and Orchestra’ and shows him performing the piece with an orchestra.

In the second clip you can learn a cool table top dance sequence inspired by this piece of music. Learn some moves with dancer and choreographer Jordan Douglas and create your own sequence inspired by turntables!

Click on the link below – you will need to scroll down to ‘Get moving and create turntable inspired choreography with Sadler’s Wells…’

And a note for next week…

In Maths we will be teaching money. It would be really helpful if you could look down the back of the sofa or in the bottom of old handbags for some coins to use. We know a lot of people are not using cash at the moment so thought we would just warn you and see if yo could dig some out. If not perhaps you could print or draw the different coins and cut them out.

Thursday 4th February

English live at 9.30am

Watch this different version of Jack and the Beanstalk.  

This version has some lovely language in it.  The author has thought really carefully  about the words he has used.  This helps make it really interesting to listen to.

I have picked some of the words from the story, see if you can find the words that have a similar meaning.  This is a great activity for building up your vocabulary.

Phonics live at 11am

If you can’t join in with our live session at 11 then please watch Lesson 24 of the Year 1 Spring Term Lessons.

Thurs 4th – we will use this game as part of the lesson. You can play it here


In this lesson, we will be investigating which materials can be blown down by creating our own wind using a hairdryer. We will be experimenting with different types of materials which have different weights. We will be creating our structures to experiment with in the next lesson, ‘Will the wall I’ve built withstand strong winds?’. You will need playdough, twigs or sticks, hay or straw, sugar cubes, lego or plastic bricks and lastly glue or sticky tape. If you do not have these things, you can watch me model this experiment. At the end please answer the questions and then draw the table into your book and sort the list of materials into heavy and light.

Click on this link to watch the lesson-

Wednesday 3rd February

Good morning. Well done, I can see that lots of you have completed your reading eggs task. If you haven’t yet, don’t forget to log on and have a go at your reading job.

Phonics Live 11am

If you can’t join in with our live session at 11am then please watch Lesson 23 of the Year 1 Spring Term Lessons.


Have a go at these home PE lessons which will help you practice your throwing skills. First try lesson 3- throwing for accuracy and then lesson 10- flat target accuracy. Have fun!

Heads up for tomorrow’s science – You will need some of the materials you used last week to build your wall. Straw, sugar cubes, sticks, lego bricks, etc. Some glue or sticky tape and also a hairdryer!

Maths Live 9.30am

Making Number Patterns

Have a look at the number chart below.

How many different ways can you figure out the missing numbers on the number chart?                    

Discuss the different ways they have come up with, for example, counting on by one, counting backwards by one, looking at the vertical patterns in the numbers (increasing by 10 every time, the ones remain the same). 

These ideas are shown below in ‘Let’s Learn’.

Now work your way through 2,3 and 4.

Now have a go at the guided practice and the mind workout. Then complete page 17 in your work book.

Maths Challenge (optional task)

Try this number pattern challenge. What numbers go in the _____ ? Now describe the pattern of each to an adult? E.g. for question 1 ‘The pattern is going down in steps of 1’.

Here is the work book page if you don’t have your maths workbook at home

Tuesday 2nd February

Phonics Live 11am

If you can’t join in with our live session at 11am then please watch Lesson 22 of the Year 1 Spring Term Lessons.


In this lesson, we will continue to learn about some of the ways in which toys have changed over time. We will learn how modern technology has affected the ways in which children play. We will then look at some examples of electronic and non-electronic games. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil.

Follow this link to watch the lesson-

English Live 9.30am

Watch the video of the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.

Whilst it is playing or afterwards see if you can draw a quick story map.  You could do this on your whiteboard or a piece of paper.  Here is one that someone else has done.

Today we are going to focus on your reading.  Please read one of the Jack and the Beanstalk stories.  

Please read the simple version to an adult and answer the questions at the end of the story.  You can answer these in your red book – you don’t need to copy out the questions just write the answers in a sentence.  

If you are reading blue, green, orange or turquoise books at school then please read the challenging version to an adult.

When you have finished you could draw a picture in the space at the top on the page in your book.

Reading Eggs

Don’t forget about reading eggs. I can see that lots of you are working hard on these lessons, well done. I have set you all a reading task on reading eggs to be completed by Friday. Your logins are in your pack or you can email the office or us and we can remind you. Good luck.

Monday 1st February

Good morning everyone. Hope you have all had a nice weekend. Below is our timetable for the week. Look forward to seeing lots of you for our sessions today.

Mrs Hollingworth

Please email us a photo of your Literacy work from Tuesday and Thursdays lessons. Fridays maths journal job and any of the extra blog activities you would like to show us! Don’t forget to do some reading everyday too. You could use Reading eggs, books or Collins connect website. You are all doing so well with your learning at home, well done. We are very proud of you. 🙂
Mrs Hollingworth and Miss Goodridge

Phonics Live 11am

If you can’t join in with our live session at 11am then please watch Lesson 21 of the Year 1 Spring Term Lessons.

Maths– Finding Out How Much More Live 9.30am

Look at the picture below…

It will help to model the cookies with counters. Investigate different ways to find the answer. Does it help to line up the ones? 

Point out that when finding how much more, we are looking for what is different between the two numbers. Therefore, the unmatched cookies show the difference.


Using a number square is a great way of helping us find more or less than a number. Have a look at the picture below to explain…

Now practice finding more or less than a number. You could use your 100 square from school or use this interactive one.

Ask an adult to click on a number and ask you some questions such as ‘what is one more than 26? 4 more than 32? 2 less than 24?’  you must splat the correct number. 

Now complete the guided practice activity and then do pages 15 -16 in your Workbook. 

Maths Challenge Time!

Now try making the difference between the numbers large.

Here are the workbook pages for those who don’t have their book at home. You could just talk about the answers with your grown up or record the answers on paper if you don’t have a printer.

Art (week 1)

We love the wonderful illustrations in the Rapunzel and Little Red texts we have been using for our literacy over the last few weeks. They were created by Bethan Woollvin, who also wrote the stories. Today we will be having a go at making our own drawings inspired by her simple, distinctive style.

Click on the link below to find a step-by-step guide to drawing a wolf created by Bethan herself…

Why not try having a go at drawing some other fairy-tale characters in Bethan’s style? You might find it easiest to start with the round face shape, and don’t forget to add those big, distinctive eyes!

Friday 29th January

Hello Skippers! I’m so proud of you all managing so well at home. It was lovely to see nearly everyone in the live lessons yesterday and to have so much super work emailed in. I gave out so many rainbow points I’ll be needing to top up the box I think! I will pop the schedule for today below and please remember our 1.45pm catch up today is ‘bring your pet’. If you haven’t got a pet maybe you could think of a good question to ask someone else about their animal. I have a feeling this could be quite popular/chaotic/fun and also time consuming so we will have to keep each turn brief if we have a lot of pets turn up!

Mastering the Maths!

In today’s maths lesson at 9.30am we’ll be putting into practice some of the skills we have learnt this week. You will need your red exercise book or some paper, a pencil and a ruler.

Comparing Numbers:

1. First divide your page into 3 columns like this…

2. Pick a number that is more than 20 but less than 40. Draw the number into the middle column in your book. Write the number too. I chose the number 34, but you can choose any number you like.

3. Ask an adult to tell you a number  between 20 and 40.

Is their number more or less than yours?

Draw and write that into the correct column.

4. Together choose a number to put in the remaining column. Draw and write this too.

Now repeat this activity at least 3 more times. Your page in your red book should look a little like this…


If you can’t join in with our live session at 11 then please watch Lesson 20 of the Year 1 Spring Term Lessons.
We hope you had fun exploring colour-mixing during your art lesson earlier in the week!
Today we will be looking at the different colours created by Russian artist Kandinsky in one of his most famous paintings. You can see it below and also have a look at this short clip by clicking on the link:  
Can you spot some circles that are the primary colours (red, yellow and blue)? Which colours do you think Kandinsky mixed to create some of the other circles?
Now it’s your turn – use paint, crayons, pastels, playdough or felt tips to have a go at creating some concentric circles using your own mixed colours. 

Please share a photo of your work at and we will try to join all our pieces of art together to create a class display!

How to catch a wolf

We had such fun today designing wolf traps and writing instructions. Thank you for your patience when my wolf decided he wasn’t going in our trap! The saying ”Never work with children and animals” springs to mind!

Here’s a selection of the wonderful work that you sent in today. Sorry there were too many to share them all.