Our Week 10.09.21

10th September 2021

Welcome to Year 2! We have been enjoying getting to know the children and they have all settled really well.

We have been exploring number bonds to 10 and 20 and seeing how many different ways we can show this. The children have enjoyed showing us what they know. Some have even challenged themselves with a mini-research project investigating 100.

The children have written poems about bubbles after we watched a video about a child who went off on an adventure. You might like to watch the video at home. The children enjoyed discussing and writing about where they would visit on their magic bubble and what they would see too. You may like to watch the video at home too: https://www.literacyshed.com/bubbles.html

We have enjoyed creating some artwork ready to display in the classroom after reading ‘The Love Monster’ by Rachel Bright.

We enjoyed investigating bulbs which are ready for growing. We looked at a bulb and discussed what it might be, the children had lots of ideas including garlic and onions! We have now planted the bulbs and are excited to watch them grow – they are already starting to change.

The children have had their first PE session with Mr Senior and enjoyed playing inside ball games. They also had their first session with Mr Baker this term where they were clapping rhythmic patterns and using these to create their own music.



We hope you enjoyed listening to our music performance. Don’t forget you can catch it again on Keep 106, Wednesday evening at 7pm.

Skipper 1 have loved using the apparatus in the hall this term. Look at our climbing, balancing, rolling and jumping!

Exciting News!

Skipper 1 have been working really hard on a music performance with Mr Baker the music teacher. The have been practicing their parts and rehearsing over the last few weeks. He has recorded it and put all of our pieces into a performance. The exciting news is that it’s going to be played on the radio!!!!

Tomorrow, Saturday 10th July at 4pm on the Dorchester community radio station Keep 106. Tune in to hear all of the children playing their pieces! They have worked so hard and it would be brilliant for them to hear themselves on the radio. It is also being played again on Wednesday 14th at 7pm. Enjoy!

Please let the other parents know, in case they miss this message. Thank you.

Mrs Hollingworth

Wildflower trip

Firstly, apologies for the confusion about what to wear. I had thought it was uniform hence reminding the children yesterday and asking the office to send a message.

We had a lovely time getting out of school for the first time in Year 1! The children were absolutely brilliant; walking a long way with no complaints. They really were a joy to take out.

We met Mr King from People Need Nature at the cemetery and he set the children about their task of collecting cuttings of Lady’s Bedstraw. They learnt how the flower got it’s name: see if they can’t tell you! We took their cuttings back to school, trimmed them down and potted them up this afternoon. The plan is to plant them in the wildflower area of the Great Field once they have rooted.

I hope next year they have lots of opportunities for trips and visitors. It enhances the curriculum so much and remains a talking point all year.