Wednesday 25th March

Find out some dinosaur information by watching Andy’s Dinosaur Adventures. Use this information to write a dinosaur riddle. Look at your home learning packs for an example. Think about the features of your dinosaur, their colour and what they like to eat. Remember to use your tricky bugs to help with your sentences. Try and remember some of the new vocabulary we’ve learnt at school too, such as herbivore, carnivore, extinct, fierce etc.  Test it out on a family member – someone in your home or Skype somebody to see if they can guess your chosen dinosaur! 

Andy’s Dinosaur Adventures

Image result for andy's dinosaur adventures

Tuesday 24th March

Tuesday is usually our PE day in school so why not try and independently put on your PE kit and join in with the dinosaur yoga on Cosmic Kids! Don’t forget to stretch first. Whilst you’re stretching have a conversation about the effects of exercise on your bodies. What do you notice as you exercise? What happens to your heart beat, the colour of your  cheeks, the temperature of your bodies? 

Tiny the T-rex yoga

Image result for children doing PE

Message from Mrs Smith:

Good morning everybody! I am sitting in a very quiet school and missing you all desperately so I thought it would be a great idea, until we are all back together again, to run our Monday morning assemblies through the blogs for now and to invite our Foundation children to join us for the first time this year! I will send you a message every Monday morning, share the theme for the week, you can then share your creations and thoughts with me directly and we will then celebrate these ideas together on the blogs on a Friday afternoon – just like we do in our Celebration Assembly in Years 1-4. Please remind your grown-ups that they have an email to help them to support you with your assembly job each week.

So, for this week I wanted to share with you a story that was in the news a few days ago about a project that school children across the country are now taking part in.

While you are reading it with your grown-up, I wanted to share a quote that we often use in our assemblies …

jane goodall quote
I thought this would be an ideal project for us all to join in with and that your task this week could be to make a rainbow that can be seen from your home along with a message to make your neighbours smile.

Along with pictures of your rainbows this week I would also love to hear of any good news stories that you have found. We can now see ‘interdependence’ so clearly all around us and your grown-up can help you to understand this if this is a new word for you.

I can’t wait to see your photos and to hear your stories (your grown-up will help you to share these with me). It will be almost as good as the smiles and chats we share on the gate! I will reply to any messages that come in and I will share all the highlights in our celebration on Friday.

Take care Team Damers 🙂

Mrs Smith x

This Weekend

Dear Skipper F,

We are missing you all lots. After only 2 days without you we feel lost. It’s been so lovely to keep up with what you’re up to on EExAT. Please keep the pictures coming and don’t forget you can comment here on the blog. Now it’s the weekend take some time to rest and relax with your families and don’t worry about the learning packs until Monday. School doesn’t feel the same without you all and we think about you often.

Much Love, Mrs Bracey and Mrs Holt

Keep Fit

Joe Wicks has announced that he will hold free PE lessons on his YouTube Channel for children who are out of school. The live classes will last for around 30 minutes and run between 9am and 5pm every weekday starting Monday 23rd March. The workouts are suitable for everyone from young children to secondary school.

Have fun and keep active. Click on the link below to take you to Joe Wicks’ TV channel on YouTube.

The Body Coach TV

Joe Wicks has announced he will start online PE lessons to help keep children fit and healthy during the school shutdown