Firstly, apologies for the confusion about what to wear. I had thought it was uniform hence reminding the children yesterday and asking the office to send a message.
We had a lovely time getting out of school for the first time in Year 1! The children were absolutely brilliant; walking a long way with no complaints. They really were a joy to take out.
We met Mr King from People Need Nature at the cemetery and he set the children about their task of collecting cuttings of Lady’s Bedstraw. They learnt how the flower got it’s name: see if they can’t tell you! We took their cuttings back to school, trimmed them down and potted them up this afternoon. The plan is to plant them in the wildflower area of the Great Field once they have rooted.
I hope next year they have lots of opportunities for trips and visitors. It enhances the curriculum so much and remains a talking point all year.
In the excitement of having everyone back at school we have rather neglected the blog! There are a few bits to share before we see you next week…
Let’s go for it Skipper 1. You might even catch Miss Goodridge and Mrs Gardner on their bikes!
We are looking forward to seeing you at our parent consultation evenings next week. Mrs Hollingworth is available on the Wednesday and Miss Goodridge on the Thursday. I cans ee the bookings are really filling up but if you haven’t yet please book your slot on as soon as possible.
Finally a few photos from our class Vocabulary Parade. Thank you for all the thought that went into costumes. sorry the pictures are a bit blurry but they were all on the move!
We hope you’re all having a lovely break and get to do some nice things with a bit more freedom this week. See you on Monday!
Hello and welcome to your last day of home learning! Only three more sleeps. I hope you can all make the catch up at 1.45 this afternoon for a picture quiz and I’ve invited a special guest too.
Using a Calendar
Do you know what the first day of the week is and the last? Do they know the special names for Saturday and Sunday? How about the special names for the other days of the week?
Now look at this calendar for the whole year. Look for similarities and differences between each month (e.g. number of days). Discuss the number of months in a year; which is the first and the last month of the year and so on. Ask them about their birthdays.
Now have a go at page 112 in your Workbook.
Journal Job:
You will need your red book and a calendar. You can use one from home or print out the one from below…
We would like you to find some important events on your calendar and write the dates, (including the day of the week) into your red book. Here are some ideas…
Your Birthday
Your Family’s birthdays
Christmas Day / Halloween / Bonfire Night… or any other date you would like to include!
If you want even more maths… have a go at this…
Maths challenge Time:
If you can’t join in with our live session at 11am then please watch Lesson 40 of the Year 1 Spring Term Lessons.
We will use this game to practise unscrambling tricky words. You can play it here
Harmony Hokusai’s Great Wave Hokusai was an artist who was born in Japan about 250 years ago. His most famous work of art was ‘The Great Wave’ – a woodblock print. Have a look at it below: Talk to someone at home about the picture – what colours has the artist used? How has he made the water look like it is moving? Look even more carefully – what else can you spot in the ocean?
Do you see something in the background where the land would be? This is Mount Fuji – the highest mountain in Japan. It is also a volcano. Hokusai created a series of woodblock prints called ‘36 views of Mount Fuji’. They show landscapes and the everyday lives of people in Japan around 200 years ago. Have a look at the pictures – can you spot Mount Fuji in each one? You might feel like creating your own piece of wave-inspired art, maybe using some of the tints and shades of blue you explored during Monday’s art session. Remember to share your work, we’d love to see it!
And finally…
When your child returns to school on Monday please can you ensure they bring…
book bag
reading books and diary
red exercise book
red handwriting book
Maths no Problem book
Whiteboard and pen
Snail Journal booklet with the first two sessions completed
their own pencil case if they wish
and finally… One piece of work to go on the wall. – something they are really proud of and would like to share with the class. I will mention this in the live on Friday afternoon.
Today is World Book Day. You will have received an email link to the voucher for your child.
Join us in the afternoon session at 1.45 for a scavenger hunt! Please don’t look at it beforehand just print or ask a parent/carer to make the list for you!
Today we would like you to write the next entry into your travel journal after the snail’s visit to a tropical beach! Look at these images to get you thinking.
Now watch these two videos to get more inspiration – the first is a bit long so just watch the first few minutes.
Remember to write in sentences using a capital letter and full stop and try and use some adjectives to bring your writing to life. We will finish the travel journal next week when you are all back in school!
If you can’t join in with our live session at 11 then please watch Lesson 39 of the Year 1 Spring Term Lessons.
Look at the picture below. It shows the activities that Ravi did in one evening. Can you order the activities from the first thing Ravi did in the evening to the last. What do you need to look at? Are there any similarities between comparing these times and comparing numbers (tens first/hour first, ones next/minutes next)?
Check you were correct by looking through the Let’s Learn. Can you use the words Next, Before and After to describe the order of the activities?
Maths Journal Activity:
You will need your red book. You can print out blank clock faces here… or you can draw your own clocks!
We would like you to keep a Time Diary today! Choose 6 activities you have done/are doing today. Carefully draw the time of each activity onto a clock face. Draw a picture and label with your activity. Don’t forget to put them in time order. You can get some inspiration from my time diary below! Don’t forget to send in your photos!
If you can’t join in with our live session at 11 then please watch Lesson 35 of the Year 1 Spring Term Lessons. We will be practising tricky words in class with a focus on ‘put’ and ‘push’.
Here is a link to the anagram puzzle Miss Goodridge will mention in class.
Can we find spirals under the sea?
Yesterday we watched a video of creature like this:
Can you remember what it is? How do you know?
Can you describe a spiral or tell someone at home why it is a special shape?
Spirals can be found everywhere in nature – even under the sea…
What do you know about these spirals? Which do you find the most interesting?
Have a go at drawing some spirals – try starting from the middle and swirling outwards and then from the outside swirling in. Does one way work best? You could make spirals out of playdough or draw them onto tinfoil or even in shaving foam. We quite like this paper plate sea snail art as well! Don’t forget to decorate your spirals with stripes, spikes, or other patterns…
English (live at 9.30am) Look at this image from the first page of the book and read the start of the story. Have you seen snails before? Where were they and what did they look like? Have you heard of sea snails before? Watch this video and look closely at the snail. In the text it says “This is the snail with an itchy foot” When we say that people have itchy feet it means that they want to travel! The underside of a snail is called its foot! Why do you think she wants to travel? Where do you think she might like to go? Download the PDF and record your idea in the thought bubble. If you’d rather not print the sheet then record it in your red book.
If you can’t join in with our live session at 11 then please watch Lesson 34 of the Year 1 Spring Term Lessons. We are learning ‘au’ and ‘oor’ make the ‘or’ sound.
In this lesson, we will be learning about living things and the features of living things. All living things need to be able to breathe, produce waste, grow and change, feed and reproduce. We will then finish the lesson looking in more detail at different types of diets that animals may have. You will need a piece of paper, a pencil and most importantly your brain!
We would like you to create your own wolf fact page. You could use our template or you could use your imagination and make your own poster, leaflet or booklet. Here are a few ideas.
Please use the facts that you have learnt and check your work has capitals, full stops and fingers spaces. Please send us a photo of your work.
This week is a fun experiment where you will be investigating which materials can be blown down by creating your own wind using a hairdryer! If you didn’t build walls ready for this last week then build them before you watch the lesson today!
We wish all our families a happy and relaxing half term. It has been a strange half term but we are all thrilled with the level of engagement we have seen both in live lessons and the work coming in via email. We are both parents and recognise how difficult it is managing home learning particularly if you are also working from home. We thank you for your support, flexibility, kind words and good humour! Tomorrow is an INSET day so no lessons but I will drop off reading books to those who requested them. We will see you again on Monday 22nd February.
It might help to print out the stars or write the numbers on small pieces of paper, that way you can try out different ways of solving the problem. Stick your bits of paper into your journal to record the pattern.
Your book should look like this. (I have used different numbers in my example)
Maths Challenge (Optional task)
Write your number patterns into your red book.
Phonics live at 11am
If you can’t join in with our live session at 11 then please watch Lesson 25 of the Year 1 Spring Term Lessons.
In our school lesson we will use this game to practise unscrambling tricky words. You can play it here
Music – BBC Ten Pieces
Get moving and create a cool table top dance sequence to music!
The first clip explains how composer Gabriel Prokofiev created his unique ‘Concerto for Turntables and Orchestra’ and shows him performing the piece with an orchestra.
In the second clip you can learn a cool table top dance sequence inspired by this piece of music. Learn some moves with dancer and choreographer Jordan Douglas and create your own sequence inspired by turntables!
Click on the link below – you will need to scroll down to ‘Get moving and create turntable inspired choreography with Sadler’s Wells…’
In Maths we will be teaching money. It would be really helpful if you could look down the back of the sofa or in the bottom of old handbags for some coins to use. We know a lot of people are not using cash at the moment so thought we would just warn you and see if yo could dig some out. If not perhaps you could print or draw the different coins and cut them out.