Discovering India

It was great welcoming Mrs Goldsack into our classes this week to talk to us about her visit to the Samarapan school in India. We enjoyed listening to her stories and first hand experiences of her time there. We were able to find similarities and differences with our own school life in the United Kingdom. We explored lots the of artefacts after listening to Mrs Goldsack’s talk, and some of us enjoyed having a bit of a ’dress up’ !

Internet safety day

Today, is National Safer Internet Day. The children have spent time in class discussing and learning about how to stay safe online. The main focus of our learning has been the importance of talking to a trusted grown-up if the children come across anything they don’t like or are unsure of online. We have also looked at our SMART rules for using digital devices and the internet and the different places we can go for help. Ask your child at home about what they can remember about our discussion and for any further information or guidance about staying safe online or Safer Internet Day please visit